Tipi di rapporti

Creato da Neeraj Kumar, Modificato il Gio, 15 Giu, 2023 alle 5:55 AM di Neeraj Kumar

I vari rapporti che possono essere generati su DroneLogbook sono i seguenti.

  • Compliance Reporting -  The Compliance Reporting è un report standard come richiesto dalla FAA, CAA, CASA, CAD e altre autorità.

  • Custom Operations Reporting -  The Custom Operations Reporting è un report dei tuoi dati su un dato periodo e con diversi filtri come il personale, progetto, cliente, e molti altri.

  • Inventory Reporting -  The Inventory Reporting is a report of your inventory.

  • Maintenance Reporting - The Maintenance Reporting is a report of your data on a given period .

  • Drone Inspection Reporting - The Drone Inspection Reporting is a report of your drone inspection on a given time.

  • Battery Reporting - The Battery Reporting is a report with all battery data.

  • Battery Charges Reporting -The Battery Charges Reporting report of all battery charge on a given time.

  • Incident Reporting - The Incident Reporting is a report of your data of an incident on a given period.

  • Project Reporting - Il Project Reporting è un report dei tuoi dati del progetto su un dato periodo.

  • Planned Missions Reporting - The Planned Missions Reporting is a report of your missions on a given period and with the status Completed / Canceled or/and Upcoming.

  • Pilot Summary Reporting - The Pilot Summary Reporting is a report of Pilot info.

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